Cheapest Places To Live In South Carolina []: Based on Real Estate, Cost Of Living, and Income - Compare Car Insurance Quotes

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Best Places to Live in South Carolina | .

  Situated in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, the city caters to all ages and walks of life. If you did not land a six-figure salary job right out of college, you are probably fo about many things, but definitely one item страница particular: money.  

What is the cheapest place to live in south carolina. These Are The 10 Most Affordable Places to Live In South Carolina


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To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page. Manage Settings Continue with Recommended Cookies. If you did not land a six-figure salary job right out of college, you are probably worried about many things, but definitely one item in particular: money.

You may have a pretty well-paying job, but that makes little impact on the mountain of school debt you may have if your cost of living is outrageously high. Unfortunately, life after graduation and beyond for many is not full of candy and exotic vacations, but rather is filled with the question: how do I save when I can barely make ends meet? The south of course — and in particular South Carolina. But what is a good state to live in?

While it may be hard to believe at first, South Carolina is a great place to live and not just because it is cheap. In South Carolina , you can stroll through the streets of Charleston on a haunted ghost tour, cheer on the Gamecocks during a football game in Columbia, and hit the beaches in Hilton Head or Myrtle Beach.

In the Palmetto state, you can have easy access to both the beach and the mountains. You can eat some ridiculously good peaches and have your fill of local breweries. You can also meet some really nice people. The South is known for its southern hospitality.

What is the cheapest place to live in South Carolina? If you are looking for some cheap rent, Batesburg-Leesville is your place to go. Batesburg-Leesville ranks 1 again this year for the cheapest city to live in South Carolina. If you are looking for a cheap place in a suburb area outside of Greenville, one of the best cities in South Carolina, Fountain Inn and Mauldin are waiting for you. No matter where you end up in South Carolina, you can be sure of two things: the food will be epic and the affordability will be shocking.

Read on to learn more about how we crunched the numbers and the other super affordable cities South Carolina has to offer. And if you already knew these places were cheap, check out some more reading about South Carolina and the cheapest places in the country:. So, if you want to know where to steal the best deal in South Carolina, The Twin Cities are like a ripe Peaches N Such peach just waiting to be picked.

Have you heard? The amenities in Laurens are also not too shabby. Located on the banks of Lake Murray , Irma, shows us that you can have the best of everything: a great lake life on a budget and affordable housing as this city is the best place to buy a home based on income. The catch? Coming in as the fifth most affordable place to call home is Lake City, a city of 6, about a half-hour south of Florence. Sure, Lake City has a low cost of living , with things like healthcare, transportation, and services all costing less than your typical American city.

But what really stands out in Lake City is the thriving community. Located on the north bank of the Savannah River , North Augusta is not only the sixth most affordable city in South Carolina, it is the epitome of southern hospitality with a pinch of southern charm. Coming in as the seventh least expensive place to live in South Carolina for is Dillon, a city of 6, situated 40 miles northeast of Florence.

Besides being affordable, Dillon has stuff to keep you entertained on a budget if you like the outdoors. For instance, Little Pee Dee State Park is right in your neighborhood, with some of the best camping, hiking, fishing in the area. In terms of housing, though, Dillon is much cheaper than those numbers suggest.

The population was 5, at the census, down from 6, at the census. It is the county seat of Chester County. No, not everything is free in the , but it is super affordable-like, the ninth cheapest place to live in South Carolina affordable.

We think that buying your forever home in Simpsonville is a smart choice. Next 10 Cities. The county in South Carolina with the lowest cost of living is Abbeville County. Abbeville County has the lowest cost of living because it has relatively less expensive childcare and housing costs compared to South Carolina as a whole. The cost of living in South Carolina is 6. The cheapest housing market in South Carolina is Chester. The two most important things to think about when it comes to being able to afford if you can live comes down to:.

You might spend more on housing, but you have more money overall to play with. With that example in mind, we derived several statistics from the latest Census American Community Survey around incomes and costs. They are:. We added simply median home price because high home prices generally correlate with higher expenses for all costs related to homes heating, electricity, etc.

You can then compare these metrics in each of the places in South Carolina to figure out which is the least expensive. So we used that cost of living index in order to rank all of the 64 places in South Carolina that have more than 5, people. The place with the lowest cost of living in South Carolina according to the data is Batesburg-Leesville.

You can download the data here. Chris Kolmar has been in the real estate business for almost ten years now. He believes the key to finding the right place to live comes down to looking at the data, reading about things to do, and, most importantly, checking it out yourself before you move.

If you've been looking for a place to live in the past several years, you've probably stumbled upon his writing already.

You can find out more about him on LinkedIn or his website. Vendor List Privacy Policy. Toggle navigation Home Snacks. So where are the most affordable places to live in South Carolina?

Fountain Inn. Lake City. North Augusta. This is our ninth time ranking the cheapest places to live in South Carolina. About Chris Kolmar Chris Kolmar has been in the real estate business for almost ten years now.

Affordable , Rankings.



The Cheapest Places to Live in South Carolina | Rent. Blog


Remember the days when your lunch might only cost you a few dollars a day, th prices were under a buck and everything seemed…cheaper? Well those days still exist depending on your address. And believe it or not the price what is the cheapest place to live in south carolina living in one city or another, even in cheapeet same state, can be like day and night depending on which side of the lines you live on.

After we crunched all the numbers, we were left with this set of places in South Carolina where your dollar goes a little further every week as адрес страницы to the rest of the cities in the Palmetto State.

We use a few factors to determine the souhh areas to live in. We looked at the median household douth and the average home price for each city in South Carolina. You can then compare the cost of these things in each of the places in South Carolina to find out which places are the least expensive. And lucky for us, AreaVibes provides all the whta you need, even the cost of living scores.

So приведенная ссылка used that cost of living index, as well as the median household income and average home price, to rank the 93 largest places in South Carolina. Each city got a rating based on the three criteria ranging from 1 to 93 any ties were given to the larger place with 1 being the cheapest.

Read on for more frugal findings on the top ten or skip down to the end to see what is the cheapest place to live in south carolina list of how every place in South Carolina ranked. Our apologies to Batesburg Cheapewt, which ranked 11th overall, and just missed больше на странице cut. Vote count:. No votes so far! Be the first to rate cheapdst post.

John McLean. Topics: Rankings. By John McLean. How useful was this post? Click on a star to rate it! Get Started. Author John McLean. Resume Location. Truck Driver Jobs. Call Center Representative Jobs. Customer Service Representative Jobs. Delivery Driver Jobs. Warehouse Worker Jobs. Account Executive Jobs. Sales Associate Jobs. Licensed Practical Nurse Jobs.

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